VATICAN CITY, OCT 26, 1997 (VIS) - At noon today, before reciting the

angelus with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, the Pope

recalled that "the month of October is dedicated to the prayer of the

rosary, a popular prayer par excellence, that is, one which belongs to

the spiritual patrimony of the entire People of God."

"How many times in the course of history," John Paul II stated, "has the

Church had recourse to this prayer, especially in moments of particular

difficulty. The holy rosary has been a privileged instrument in averting

the danger of war and obtaining the gift of peace from God. Did not the

Virgin, appearing 80 years ago to three shepherd children at Fatima, ask

that the rosary be recited for the conversion of sinners and for peace

in the world?"

"How could this prayer for peace fail, at the end of a century which has

known terrible wars and continues, unfortunately, to experience violence

and conflicts?"

Remarking that "world peace also goes through the peace of families,

basic cells of the great human family," the Pope urged families to pray

the rosary. Doing so can "sanctify the happy moments and the difficult

ones of daily life. Praying together helps the family to be more united,

serene and faithful to the Gospel."

ANG/ROSARY/... VIS 971027 (220)


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